The Black Art & Film Festival (BAFF), is dedicated to recognizing Black talent and showcasing quality visual art and film content created by, or starring blacks of all shades and ethnicities. This festival takes place every year the last weekend of February to close out Black History Month- it also serves as an outlet for black artist to come together to not only share their work, but also enlighten, and inspire the creative arts community in and around the Tampa Bay Area and beyond.
Like many other black festivals around the country, BAFF is dedicated to the belief that diverse artists deserve the same opportunities as their mainstream counterparts and works hard to help do it's part to help strengthen the black entertainment community by fostering resource sharing, education and artistic collaboration among many other efforts.
CULTURE. ADVANCEMENT. & NETWORKING are what you'll find at BAFF taking place in the heart of the city of opportunity... Where Culture and Talent Radiate!
Like many other black festivals around the country, BAFF is dedicated to the belief that diverse artists deserve the same opportunities as their mainstream counterparts and works hard to help do it's part to help strengthen the black entertainment community by fostering resource sharing, education and artistic collaboration among many other efforts.
CULTURE. ADVANCEMENT. & NETWORKING are what you'll find at BAFF taking place in the heart of the city of opportunity... Where Culture and Talent Radiate!